Karelitz - Siletsky family
Nehemiah Siletsky lived near Kosow, where the Karelitz family was based.
He had seven children, a daughter from his first wife, and three daughters
and three sons from his second wife, Shaine Esther. Of these seven children,
two married Karelitz's, and one has a great-grandchild marrying a Karelitz
Annie / Chaya is the daughter of Nehemiah and his first wife. She
married Max Raskin (A21).
Joseph's first wife was Sarah Chary (B211) a member of the Karelitz
Yehudit married Morris Beim. Their son, Max Beim married Zelda and
had a daughter, Thelma. Thelma married Martin Kopel (A3111), a Karelitz
family member.
Interesting unsolved details:
Chaya Siletsky's (A21a) mother (Nehemiah's first wife) may have been a
Karelitz (suggested by Dorothy Silets, as quoted by J. Maynard Kaplan).
The above background on the Siletsky family comes from the research
of J. Maynard Kaplan, a Siletsky family member.