Karelitz - Burdick / Goldin families
Dov Beryl Burdick married Breine Karelitz, a Karelitz that is apparently
not part of the descendents of Zundel Karelitz, the root of the family
album. Dov and Breine had five children - Ida/Adel, Ephraim/Chaim, Aaron,
Gertie and Lizzie. Lizzie and Ida/Adel both married into the Karelitz family:
Lizzie married Max Goldin (A71) and Ida/Adel married Harry (Zundel) Karelitz
(B42). The family chart appears below.
Interesting unsolved details:
Lizzie Burdick and her husband Max Goldin were first cousins (told by Lizzie's niece,
Helen Karelitz (B423)).
Max Goldin (A71) listed his paternal grandmother as Bessia Korelitz
on his father's death certificate. This Korelitz grandmother is also
outside of the Karelitz family album.
Harry (Zundel) Karelitz's (B42) uncle Chaim Meyer Goldin (B1a) is
likely Mendel Goldin's brother, as both are referred to as sons of
Ephraim Mordechai Goldin.
Harry (Zundel) Karelitz (B42) and his wife Ida/Adel Burdick were second cousins
(told by their daughter, Helen Karelitz). Note that this presumably
involves Ida/Adel's mother, Breine Karelitz.